Nursing Jobs Melbourne

At SwingShift Nurses, we understand that the work available for nurses can vary greatly, and many nurses have trained and gained experience in certain specialties. While some seek general nursing shift work, others want something more specific.
We’re looking for professional nurses to fill the following nursing jobs in Melbourne and regional Victoria. Get in touch with our team if you see a position that’s right for you!
Registered Nurses
Do you excel in patient care and education? We’re looking for RNs with great experience in providing advice and support to patients and their families. Work in hospitals and various health care facilities.
Enrolled Nurses
ENs who can offer emotional and physical support and administer medication can work throughout a variety of facilities including hospitals, aged care, operating theatres and community health centres.
Psychiatric Enrolled Nurse
Are you passionate about care? Help us out with mental health assessment and documenting, treatment planning and consultation, and patient and family counsel.
Registered Psychiatric Nurses
A high quality level of specialist mental health care education and experience will allow you to excel in this uniquely personal role.
Provide support and care for pregnant women during pregnancy, labour, birth, and post-birth. You’ll be a critical part of the pregnancy stage, planning with families and addressing needs and concerns. You will monitor pregnancy, keep records, refer any health problems to a doctor appropriately, examine and care for newborns, and may even assist during delivery!
Specialist Nurses
As a specialist nurse, you will work closely with a team of doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals, functioning as a critical component of delivering high quality health care in hospitals and other health centres and practices. Can you provide guidance in your practice and encourage workplace efficiency?
Nurse Practitioners
There are a number of fields practitioners can specialise in, including adult health, family practice, psychiatric, paediatric, women’s health and palliative care. Your advanced skills and experience will allow you to excel in physical examinations, medical histories and documentations, medical administration, and minor procedures. You’ll also counsel and teach patients.
Endorsed Enrolled Nurses
As an EEN, you’ve expanded your scope to practice in a variety of health centres and practices around the state. You’ll be part of a team dedicated to delivering quality nursing care under the supervision of a registered nurse.