How long have you been with SwingShift Nurses?
7 years.
What are the benefits to agency nursing and why do you choose SwingShift?
Swingshift nurses are a great family. They all know each other and we support each other. Swingshift office staff are great, they always try hard to give me the shifts that I want.
What made you want to specialise in mental health nursing?
General nursing can be very task oriented. Mental health nurses joke around more compared to general nurses! Having a better insight in to the reasons for a person’s behaviour can give you a better understanding of your patients, friends, family and yourself.
What’s the most rewarding part of your job?
Working with patients from all age groups is a great privilege.
What advice would you give an aspiring mental health nurse?
It’s rewarding to find strategies that can assist your patients for the short term and long term. Mental health nursing is a small community, enjoy their company over the years to come.
If you had to sum up working with SwingShift Nurses, what would you say?
The Swingshift office staff maintain that basic, personal relationship which is great and Swingshift nurses have great skills, experience, knowledge, and passion.